
Advanced Cosmetic Procedures

Skin blemishes can often be something we feel ashamed of and something that we attempt to hide or cover up.

With doctors nowadays refusing to treat the more cosmetic blemishes that can appear on our bodies through genetics, age, hormones and lifestyle, it’s common to be left feeling like you’ve nowhere to turn, and that you must live with these blemishes.

Luckily, there is an answer, and that is Advanced Cosmetic Procedures!

Through this advanced technology, various blemishes found on the body can be removed or improved safely and effectively.

  • Skin Tags
  • Telangiectasia/”Broken” Capillaries
  • Cherry Angioma/Campbell de Morgan spots
  • Spider Naevi
  • Milia
  • Common Warts
  • Plane Warts
  • Periungual Warts
  • Filiform Warts
  • Verrucae
  • Mosaic Verrucae
  • Molluscum Contagiosum
  • Seborrhoeic Keratosis
  • Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
  • Mole Reduction
  • Xanthelasma Palpebrarum
  • Syringoma
  • Sebaceous Cyst
  • Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Please get in touch and email photos to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.

Treatable Skin Blemishes

|   Skin Tags   |

Skin tags are benign (noncancerous) raised growths on the surface of the skin.

They are usually found in areas of friction and where clothes rub, so are often seen around the neck and waistline, as well as in skin creases like the underarms and groin.

They are a very common skin blemish, and affect around 45% of the population.

During treatment, the skin tags will either be completely removed by cutting the skin tag near the surface of the skin, or be cauterised, leaving the skin tag to reduce in size and for the tissue to be absorbed and removed by your own body.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


1-2 Small Skin Tag Removal (smaller than 1cm)   |   75

1-3 Large Skin Tag Removal (1cm or bigger)   |   95

3-30 Very Small Skin Tag Removal (smaller than 0.5cm)   |   125

|   Telangiectasia   |

Telangiectasia, otherwise known as facial red veins, are a very common skin blemish, and are usually found on the cheeks, nose and chin.

Sometimes known incorrectly as “broken capillaries“, they occur when the elastic recoil of the vein reduces, leaving the vessel permanently dilated.

They can be caused by hot weather, cold winds, pressure (e.g. squeezing a spot or the rubbing of glasses), diet, lifestyle, medication and age.

Treatment involves cauterisation of the blood vessels to be treated, which stops the flow of blood through them.

Depending on how many vessels require treating and their severity, more than one treatment may be required.  This spacing of treatments allows time for proper healing to take place and reduce the chances of hyperpigmentation.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


Telangiectasia/Facial Thread Vein Treatment (Small Area)   |   95

|   Cherry Angioma   |

Campbell de Morgan spots can go by various names, such as blood spots, haemangioma and cherry angioma spots.

These are thought to be the most common skin blemish and are a cluster of blood capillaries at the skin’s surface.

They can vary in size from very small (the size of a full stop), to a dome-shaped lump the size of a penny, and can vary in colour from red, blue, purple and black.

Treatment involves cauterisation of the blemish, to prevent bloodflow (which is what gives it its colour).

Depending on the size of the blemish, more than one treatment may be needed.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


1-2 Campbell de Morgan Removal   |   95

3-30 Campbell de Morgan Removal   |   125

|   Spider Naevi   |

Spider Naevi are a collection of facial red veins, characterised by a central red body and dilated red vessels branching from it, much like a spider’s body and legs (hence the name).

They usually appear due to trauma (e.g. picking a spot) or injury, hormonal changes seen through the pill and pregnancy and genetic predisposition.

They are usually found on the cheeks and face and are treated through cauterisation, to prevent the flow of blood through the specific vessels.

Depending on the blemish, more than one treatment may be required.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


1-3 Spider Naevi Treatment   |   95

|   Milia   |

Milia (commonly and incorrectly classed as whiteheads) are seen as small, white, raised blemishes on the skin, commonly seen around the eye or cheek.

They are caused by the overproduction of skin cells that are not removed from the skin (either through natural skin shedding or exfoliating treatments), which causes a blockage in the sebaceous gland.

Skin can form over the sebaceous gland, trapping the sebum (oil) under the skin, and so forming the pearly appearance of the milia.

Treatment involves the application of a current to heat the contents of the milia, which allows it to break down and either be removed by the body or extracted.

This method of milia removal is considered much more effective for milia removal than piercing or lancing the skin, as it causes minimal harm to the tissue (reducing the risk of scarring) and offers more long-term removal of the blemish.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


1-2 Milia Removal   |   95

Milia Removal (multiple)   |   125

|   Common Warts   |

Common warts are firm, raised growths often with a rough, dry, crusty surface, and can resemble a small cauliflower or solid blister. 

They are generally found on the fingers or hands, and are transmitted by touch due to their highly contagious nature. 

Common warts usually resolve themselves within 2-4 years, however some may remain for longer. 

Embarrassment or discomfort are often reasons behind treatment, of which diathermy via electrolysis is very effective, as it triggers the body’s immune system to fight the virus and remove the blemish.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


Common Wart Removal (single)   |   95

|   Plane Warts   |

Plane warts are pinky brown or skin-coloured smooth or slightly raised bumps on the skin, and can be found on the face, neck, hands, top of feet, arms or legs. 

They are commonly found in children or those who are immuno-suppressed, and due to their highly contagious nature are transmitted by touch.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


Plane Wart Removal (small area)   |   125

|   Periungual Warts   |

Periungual warts form around the fingernails or toenails. 

They start off small in size, around the size of a pinhead, and grow over time to rough, dirty-looking bumps that can resemble a cauliflower. 

They can spread into clusters if left untreated, and can even further grow under the nail plate itself. 

They are very contagious and are transmitted through touch.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


Periungual Wart Removal   |   95

|   Filiform Warts   |

Filiform warts are long, narrow, almost finger-like projections that extend around 1-2mm from the skin’s surface. 

They look very different to most other types of wart and are a variant of the common wart. 

They can vary in colour and range from skin tone to yellow, brown or pink. 

They are highly contagious and are often found on the face and neck (particularly on the eyelids and lips), though can occur on any area of the body.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


Filiform Wart Removal   |   95

|   Verrucae   |

Otherwise known as a plantar wart, a verruca is a wart found on the sole of the foot and is highly contagious. 

They can appear as pink/white, small, thick, rough, raised or flattened lumps, and can be uncomfortable as the warts grows into the foot due to pressure. 

They can also seem to have a “pepper pot” appearance, as black dots can sometimes be seen to run throughout them, which are blood capillaries.

They tend to be found in younger people, and those that often use swimming pools and communal changing rooms. 

This is due to the fact that when the skin gets very wet it loses suppleness and flexibility, which can cause tiny cracks and splits to occur on the soles of the feet. 

These breaks in the skin can make it easier for the verruca virus to penetrate and take hold. 

This can happen through direct contact with an infected person, or indirect contact with a contaminated surface.

Cryotherapy and over-the-counter treatments tend to lack efficacy in treating verrucae due to their strong resilience, however diathermy with electrolysis is a safe and effective method of removal. 

Treatment stimulates the body’s natural immune system to fight and remove the human papilloma virus (HPV) that causes these blemishes.

More than one treatment may be required.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


Verruca Removal   |   95

|   Mosaic Verrucae   |

Mosaic verrucae are another type of plantar wart found on the sole of the foot, and occur when several verrucae merge to form a single mass over a more widespread area. 

They tend to be found in clusters on the sole or heel of the foot where there is more pressure, and can resemble a callus or corn.

Like verrucae, they are very contagious and are easily transmitted through close contact or contact with contaminated surfaces.

More than one treatment may be required.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


Mosaic Verrucae Removal   |   125

|   Molluscum Contagiosum   |

Molluscum contagiosum (sometimes known as water warts) are caused by a viral infection, and appear on the skin as small, raised and pink lesions with a dimple in the middle. 

They can affect any area of the skin, and can become itchy or sore. 

They are easily spread via direct contact with an infected individual, or contact with contaminated objects. 

Left untreated, they can take up to a year to disappear on their own, however they can be treated if preferred, by using diathermy methods of electrolysis.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


Molluscum Contagiosum Treatment (small area)   |   125

|   Seborrhoeic Keratosis   |

Seborrhoeic keratoses or senile warts, are common benign growths found on the skin and are usually found on people over the age of 50 due to increasing age, sun exposure and/or a genetic predisposition. 

They are harmless and non-contagious, and can vary in size and colour, but are usually brown, black or light tan. 

They can appear rough, waxy, scaly and slightly raised, almost appearing “stuck” onto the skin. 

They are most likely to occur on the upper half of the body such as the head, neck, chest and back, however can occur in other areas of the body. 

Although they don’t cause harm, they are usually removed for cosmetic reasons or to prevent clothes rubbing, which can cause irritation and bleeding.

Some blemishes may be referred for GP approval prior to treatment, to check they are suitable.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


1 Small Seborrhoeic Keratosis Removal (1cm or smaller)   |   75

1 Large Seborrhoeic Keratosis Removal (bigger than 1cm)   |   95

1-3 Small Seborrhoeic Keratosis Removal (1cm or smaller)   |   125

1-3 Large Seborrhoeic Keratosis Removal (bigger than 1cm)   |   150

|   Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra   |

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra is a common papular disorder which develops in adolescence and is only found in darker skin tones.

They have the same histology as a seborrhoeic keratosis, and as such are not contagious. 

They show on the skin as smooth, dome-shaped, brown/black papules, that are usually found on the cheeks, neck and upper chest. 

They are generally commonly found in black skins, and the famous actor Morgan Freeman has many of these on his face.

Advanced electrolysis techniques using diathermy are very effective in treating these blemishes, that are often chosen to be removed for cosmetic reasons.

Some blemishes may be referred for GP approval prior to treatment, to check they are suitable.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra   |   150

|   Mole Reduction   |

Moles are a common skin growth and can appear as small, dark brown or even skin tone in colour. 

They are round or oval in shape and are nothing to worry about unless you see changes in colour, size or shape. 

They can however be cosmetically bothersome, particularly if there are hairs growing from the mole too. 

These hairs are generally deep terminal hairs with a very rich blood and nerve supply to them. 

Repeat treatments of electrolysis, as with any form of hair removal method, is required until the hairs no longer grow. 

Once these hairs have been treated the mole reduction can take place, although the hair removal process often also starts to reduce it in size too. 

Although a mole is quite easily treated, full removal cannot be guaranteed. 

Instead the mole’s appearance is visibly reduced in size and colour. 

Often a minimum of 2 treatments are required to reduce a mole’s appearance, however after the first treatment the mole will visibly reduce in size.


A Doctor’s note for treatment approval is required prior to all treatment of moles.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


Mole Reduction   |   125

|   Xanthelasma Palpebrarum   |

Xanthelasma are yellowish cholesterol deposits that sit under the skin, and are commonly seen around the inner eye area. 

They range in size from very small to around 3cm in diameter, and although they can be disfiguring for the individual, they are harmless and not painful. 

They can be associated with some metabolic disorders such as diabetes or high cholesterol.

Treatment can visibly reduce the raised appearance and colour, however more than one treatment may be needed over time, and some colour may remain.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


Xanthelasma Palpebrarum Treatment   |   125

|   Syringoma   |

Syringoma are firm, benign rounded bumps often seen on the upper cheeks and upper and lower eyelids, after adolescence or middle age. 

They are small (usually 1-3mm in diameter) and can be yellow, brown, pink or even skin coloured. 

They are caused by overreactive eccrine sweat glands, and although they are non-contagious and harmless, they can be a cause of distress for the individual, and so can be easily treated with advanced electrolysis techniques.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


Syringoma Treatment   |   125

|   Sebaceous Cyst   |

Sebaceous cysts are a closed sac of cells under the surface of the skin filled with keratin, which is a protein that looks almost cheese-like. 

These cysts can occur anywhere on the body however are more commonly found in areas with more sebaceous (oil) glands such as the underarms, face, chest, back and scalp. 

They are usually formed as a result of a swollen hair follicle, skin trauma or high levels of testosterone. 

They are slow growing, painless and freely movable lumps, however can become inflamed and tender, and can be cosmetically disfiguring for some individuals.

Treatment success is individual due to the varying nature of cysts and therefore cannot be guaranteed, however feedback is positive for those who have gone ahead. 

More than one treatment is likely needed, depending on the cyst size and location.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


Sebaceous Cyst Treatment   |   125

|   Sebaceous Hyperplasia   |

Sebaceous hyperplasia is a common, benign skin condition that affects the sebaceous (oil) glands and is commonly seen on the face, particularly the forehead, nose and cheeks. 

They are usually seen from middle age upwards and are often the result of an ageing skin. 

This is because a UV exposed skin can become thickened, causing the oil produced by the sebaceous gland to become trapped under the skin’s surface.

These blemishes appear on the skin as shiny, creamy yellow, soft bumps and are likened to doughnuts due to an indentation in their centre, and are easily and quickly treated with advanced electrolysis techniques.


Please get in touch and email clear, close-up photographs of the blemish(es) you are wishing to be treated to hello@velvetbeauty.co.uk prior to booking an appointment.

Please let us know if you are taking any medication or if you have any medical conditions so we can ensure suitability for treatment.


ACP Blemish Reduction Consultation   |   30

Mandatory before any blemish treatment, this time checks suitability for treatment and provides you with thorough knowledge on the cause of the blemish, how it will be treated and how you will be expected to look after the blemish following treatment.  It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have, to ensure that you have fully informed consent before going further with your blemish reduction treatment.


1 Sebaceous Hyperplasia Treatment   |   95

Multiple Sebaceous Hyperplasia Treatment   |   125

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