But I’m a natural redhead: can I have Laser Hair Removal?
The way that Laser Hair Removal works, light is used to heat up the melanin (colour) in the hair within the follicle of the skin, which damages the growth of that hair.
Unfortunately, if there’s not enough melanin there (as seen with grey, white and blonde hairs), or the melanin isn’t dark enough, the laser light won’t be attracted enough to the hair, meaning it won’t get the level of damage (and so the hair reduction) we’d hope to see.
This is because although melanin comes under one big umbrella, there are actually 2 different types – eumelanin and pheomelanin.
Eumelanin is your dark brown/black pigment, and is the perfect colour for Laser Hair Removal. Hairs containing lots of eumelanin hold the heat well that is created from the attraction of the laser light, meaning the damage within the follicle can continue for a little while following the treatment (and so getting you the best hair reduction result in the process).
Pheomelanin is your orange/red pigment, and unfortunately is less ideal for treatment with Laser Hair Removal. This is because hairs with lots of pheomelanin don’t hold the heat produced by the absorption of the laser light very well, so there isn’t enough time for the destruction of the hair.
With really light, blonde hairs that redheads often have too, there isn’t enough melanin to actually attract the laser light to, which can very often lead to an unresponsive hair.

Having said that, whether you’re suitable for treatment very much depends on the type of redhead you are.
If you’re a real carroty yellow/red hair, you may be better opting for DMK Alkaline Wash or Electrolysis.
But if you’re a redhead with browner hair in the area you’d like to have defuzzed, then Laser Hair Removal could well be an option for you!
This is why your Consultation and Patch Test is so important, as it helps us assess whether you are suitable for treatment, because everyone is unique!